Lena Vista Baptist Church

The welcome page. Here you can find out about the church's mission, history, and associations.
Find out what is happening with the church and website.
News & Events
Here you can listen to recordings of our Sunday morning sermons.
Discover some of the many things that Lena Vista Baptist Church is involved in.
Information on our regular meeting times.
Service Times
Pictures from church events.
A list of Social Service Resources.
Learn about the church's food ministry, where we literally give away tons of food each week.
Food Ministry
A calendar of upcoming events.
If you have any prayer requests that you would like to make, you can do that here.
Prayer Requests
Here you will find information about our Sunday School offerings
Sunday School

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Loaves and Fishes
Lena Vista Baptist Church
213 Florida Drive
Auburndale, FL 33823
Phone: (863)967-3692
Email: lvbc_info@tampabay.rr.com

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An equal opportunity provider

Updated 7-14-22

  One of the most meaningful ministries at Lena Vista is Loaves and Fishes. We are blessed to have many dedicated and committed people who share a passionate love for Jesus and humble servant hearts. Through a diverse network of sources, food is collected, processed, and distributed to those in need without regard to race, ethnic origin, gender, or creed. We view all people as precious in the sight of God, and feel privileged to serve each person in His love through His grace.

  The entire church family is committed to this ministry and involved through providing the facilities and equipment needed, and by faithfully praying for those who serve and for each family ministered to.

Quick Facts:

All are welcome.

We are an equal opportunity provider without regard to race, ethnic origin, gender, or creed.

Each family is eligible for help once per month.

Everyone seeking help must register & sign-up between 8:00am and 10:00am Tuesdays.

An average of 200+ families is served each week.

This amounts to more than a few TONS of food shared each week!

30 to 40 church members are involved in this ministry each week.

There is room for YOU!

Here are some of the fine folks taking part in this ministry

Click here to view the Loaves and Fishes gallery as a slideshow

An equal opportunity provider